Saturday, April 7, 2012

How to make money from list building - the 2nd method

So have you read my previous post on making money from your list by selling products? Well that's a good place to start if you want to learn how to make money from list building but today I'm gonna introduce to you a totally different way of monetizing your list. A method that you've perhaps not heard about but its super effective. It is this:

Making money from your list by Adsense

Now before you go "woah, wait a minute isn't this illegal or spammy or wrong?" Let me reassure you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with this method. It's perfectly legit and it works beautifully. There's 3 things that you need for this method. A blog, your own list and an adsense publisher account.

You can use either the free blog host or WordPress. Either works and I use both as well. So lets start - the first thing you need is your own blog.

Do not think about any monetization you're gonna do or use on the blog first but rather concentrate on creating the best possible content for your niche. This is a crucial and important point if you want your blog to rank well on Google. Content is one of the biggest factor nowadays.

A cheap paid article that focuses more on gaming the search engine will not cut it. You'll need to write posts that contains highly useful information that people will want to read. Increasingly Google is paying more attention to a blog/site's 'readability'.

They will be asking questions like "is your content fluff?", "how long does the user stays on your site?", "what does your site intends to do?" etc.

So before even thinking of anything else, focus on delivering quality and value via your posts. I talked about giving value first before selling in this post. Don't even do any backlinking until you've about 6 or 7 quality blog posts up. (I'll cover getting backlinks in a separate post later).

So once you've done that and you've a quality blog that people will actually want to read. You'll want to set up a lead capture mechanism that specifically gets people that reads your blog into your list. Something that looks like this:

That is actually one of my other blogs in the IM niche. Notice the big fat sign up thingy on the right? Notice also the big fat Ad smack right at the top of the post?

Now, when visitors signs up, they are signing up because they want to stay updated for future posts. So what you do is when you release a new post, you should send an email to this list and direct them to your new post. So what do you've on your post?

Other then the high quality content, you also have a big fat Ad there. Some people will click on it earning you a nice tidy sum. At the end of your blog post, you could do a product recommendation as well - earning you another source of nice income too.

Not only that, you're further building the relationship with your list as you're giving them what they want (more of your content). A win win situation :)

Hope you've enjoyed this post, be sure to check back again for my next on soon...

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