Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Check list for building your first list online part 2

In the first part of this series on building your first list online, I talked about your bait to give away for free and also about using an autoresponder.

Today, my focus will be on value, value and more value for list building.

We see the term 'value' get bandied around in Internet marketing circles but do we really understand what it means? Do we really appreciate what 'value' is? Here's 4 quick key points to ensure your freebie or 'bait' passes the 'value test'.  

Do this right and your list will be super responsive to you!

1) Are you defining 'value' from your point of view or your audience's point of view? There is a difference you know! Are you defining value like this:

"Oh I got a free book somewhere I've found in my hard disk. It's valued at $37 but I'm gonna use it as a bait to build my list!"

This is a wrong way of thinking because you're thinking from YOUR perspective.

"Oh I've gotta think about and research what my audience really wants and then source for the materials to give it away!"

This is the right way of thinking because you're defining value from your prospects perspective!

By thinking of value from your audience's point of view you're essentially crushing your competition by raising the bar in terms of value for your bait.

Not only that - you're also demonstrating that you're different from your competitors by virtue of you giving them what they actually want!

2) Did you spend some time creating, poring through and going over the bait?

I dare say 95% of marketers don't give a hoot about what they are giving away to build a list. Again, this is wrong.

One strategy I've learned is that when most people in my niche head right, I zag left. It's the same for this, don't be the 'same old same old' person. Do actually care about what you're feeding your audience and subscribers.

Put some thought into it - it will build you much goodwill, response and will invoke the persuasion element of reciprocity.

3) Do you intend to sell sell and sell somemore?

Selling is fine. In fact selling is a great way to deepen relationships. (I'll demonstrate why in future posts) But if you're selling something the moment someone opts in - you've just sacrificed an opportunity to build a bond.

Think about it this way: would you rather buy Insurance from a friend you trust or a complete stranger? It's a no-brainer right? Of course your friend!

That's who you want to be - you want to be their friend. Their trusted advisor. So you can sell them more and sell them higher priced items!

4) Golden rule: Don't peddle crap.

Don't sell or promote something because it pays you the most commissions. Think about if it really would benefit your prospects and your list. If you do that, you'll make much much more money in the long term I promise you that!

Also, if you push or sell products that are broke, don't work and are just plain scam. Guess what happens next? Your list will desert you!

Ok, so this is the 2nd part of check lists for building your first list online. I'll see you really soon for the next post!

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